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Lessons From Earthsea
Ursula K. Le Guin’s 'A Wizard of Earthsea' is a classic, no question. But does anyone still care? Writers and creators of fantasy, neglect this book at your peril

Evolve or Die: Is this the End for Sword and Sorcery?
Can the genre ever move on from Robert E. Howard's Conan? How can writers possibly innovate within this narrow fantasy subgenre? Is the sword and sorcery barbarian facing his last stand?

Old Sorcery, New Edge: Q&A with Molly Tanzer
Sword and sorcery heroine Jirel of Joiry, created by Catherine L. Moore. Artwork by Sasha Durdevic

Over By Christmas (a short story)
A Weird winter's tale of lost time, lost hearts and one very long night (30-minute read)

How We Built Black Beth
Resurrecting a British sword and sorcery heroine and what it takes to write a character 'well'