Interview: Talking RPGs, Warhammer and more with The Tabletop Lair

Writer and reviewer Matt Dillon recently invited me onto his excellent blog The Tabletop Lair to chat about role-playing games, Warhammer and writing in general. (You can also read Matt's sister-publication Recut Reviews right here on Substack.)

The Tabletop Lair: When did you realize that you wanted to be a writer? Were there any pieces of media that were particularly influential?

Alec Worley: I always had comics and books as a kid, but it was Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone’s Fighting Fantasy gamebooks that really snagged me as a reader. As a writer too! I think maybe it was that sense of telling a story that plays out as a result of choices made by the main character. That main character being me, the reader! I started writing my own gamebooks soon after, full of Hammer horror and illustrations copied out of comic books.

I got into RPGs soon after and got my hands on West End Games’ Ghostbusters at one point. I only played it once, I think. I had no idea how to run a comedy adventure without things going completely off the rails. Plus, all my players wanted to do was blast civilians in the face with an unlicensed nuclear accelerator!

To read the rest of this interview, head over to The Tabletop Lair


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