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Black Beth Returns in ‘Death Carries Roses’
The UK’s foremost sword and sorcery heroine returns in a bumper collection, the Treasury of British Comics Annual 2024

How We Built Black Beth
Resurrecting a British sword and sorcery heroine and what it takes to write a character 'well'

My Future Shock Hell! (Chapter 2 of 4)
How to survive the submissions process (whether that's comics, novels, shorts, or screenplays) by rejection-proofing your soul

Beyond the Veil: Q&A with Man o' Ghosts
Multimedia ghost story creator Thom Burgess explains the techniques behind his latest horror project 'Mister Howl', as well as lessons learned piloting a host of successful indie projects

My Future Shock Hell! (Chapter 1 of 4)
How I broke into comics and why there's no such thing

Why the Greatest Character in 2000 AD Is NOT Judge Dredd
She’s the psychic cop who has patrolled the dystopian streets of Mega-City One for over four decades, and she’s nobody’s sidekick

Full Throttle Fiction: Q&A with Comic Writer Rob Williams
The writer of SUICIDE SQUAD, JUDGE DREDD and DOCTOR WHO talks story-building and script-mechanics, as well as managing PETROL HEAD, his new creator-owned sci-fi project landing in November from Image

Durham Red and the Return of the Problematic Vampire
The mutant vampire bounty hunter known as Durham Red is one of the most popular characters in British comics. An unsung figure in vampire fiction and one whose appeal remains truly troublesome

Plotting, Planning, World-Building and Head-Hopping: Reader Q&A
The Agent of Weird welcomes reader questions! If you want to ask what works for me when writing stuff about vampires, aliens and wizards, then head over to my Substack and drop a query in the comments...

How Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves Rolls a 20 for Storytelling
A milestone in fantasy cinema that illustrates exactly why writing about magic requires a true sorcerer’s touch (contains very mild spoilers)

Postcards From The Edge of Somewhere: Q&A with John French
The award-winning author, scriptwriter and games designer talks craft, getting published and staying focused, as well as revealing his new creator-owned fantasy project 'Letters from an Unknown Land'

Too Much Magic: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Writing Fantasy
Anything can happen in a fantasy story. So how can writers prevent theirs from spiralling out of control?

How I Format a Comic-Book Script
The 'correct' way to lay out a script for your comic book depends on what you're writing and who you're writing for. Find out what you need to bear in mind for the sake of you and your creative team

"I Want You To Stop Me." The Dreadful Allure of the Helpless Monster
How the tragic movie maniacs of The Black Phone and The Menu are all the more terrifying for having a hopeless method to their madness. (This piece contains mild spoilers.)

8 Tips for Writers Dealing With 'Schrodinger's Scheduling'
Are you a freelance writer slowly dying inside as you wait to hear back from editors about your latest story pitch? You’re not alone. Here’s how to stay sane when stuck between projects

Interview: Talking RPGs, Warhammer and more with The Tabletop Lair
Writer and reviewer Matt Dillon recently invited me onto his excellent blog The Tabletop Lair to chat about role-playing games, Warhammer and writing in general

Four Techniques That Will Make Your Horror Comic Truly Scary
Getting under your reader’s skin is about more than just showering them with blood and showing off your favourite monsters. Let me teach you the black arts of creating a truly disturbing horror comic